Sunday, March 07, 2010

No está terminado ...

Es mi mas reciente cuadro, pero todavía no esta terminado. Está pintado mezclando acrílico y óleo sobre tela con marco de 40x60cm. Que tal te parece?
Es ist noch nicht fertig. Mischtechnik in Acryl und Ölfarbe, 40x60cm.
It is not finished... any comments are welcome! 

My inspiration was the following painting from Elvira Amrhein which I saw in the near of the University neighbourhood in Munich and attempted to buy. The painting is very nice indeed and has the title  "In thruth  there is love" (Ger. "In wahrheit gibt es die Liebe")

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    A la pelopincho! Los videos son de vos dibujando? Y otra cosa, decidí que idioma vas a usar!
